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Thursday 10 March 2016

How To Post in Multiple Facebook Groups at Once

Today facebook is used by almost each and every people in the world.So Facebook has become One of the powerful Social media platform for bloggers, advertisers for internet marketers,Bloggers,Advertisers,Promoters who want to promote their online brand.Guys it's No.1 platform for bloggers who need to promote their articles to a huge audience after publishing on their blog.So today in this article "How To Auto Post in Multiple Facebook Groups at Once" I will show you one of the  easy method to autopost in your Facebook Groups at once.
How To Post in Multiple Facebook Groups at Once
How To Post in Multiple Facebook Groups at Once

As you know that Facebook has billions of users,So Exposing your latest post on Facebook groups is considered one of the best way to Drive huge traffic to your blog/website. But, if you share your content in all Facebook Groups manually then it will definitely consume lots of time.

Benefits Of Autopost In Facebook Groups At Once.

  1. No time consuming.
  2. Easy to Share
  3. Very simple.No complex steps
  4. By this Trick you can attract huge number of visitors/customers to your blog/website.
  5. You Don't have to pay For this trick like many softwares which requires license keys. 

To promote your blog/brand You must join Facebook groups related to your niche.So that more people will click on your link.As Everyone knows that facebook is one of the best place for all the bloggers,Internet marketers to share their blog posts.

If you promote/share Your blog posts on our timeline than the probability of seeing your posts among people is less i.e limited to your friends(as facebook allows only 5000).So by this method,You can drive more traffic to your posts.So,start joining lots of groups and autopost your blog posts at once.So today we will share a amazing trick to post your blog posts in all facebook groups in just one click.


The first and main thing you will need in this process is Facebook Groups.Obviously,to share your content this is the only thing which you will need.So start joining lots of groups related to your blog/website niche.Try to join groups with more members,so as to ensure that huge number of people's will see your content which can give you decent amount of traffic to your blog posts.

Follow Below steps To Post In Multiple Facebook Groups In just Single Click.

It's a two step process.

First step : Collecting Email Addresses of Fb Groups

This step is not easy but also not difficult.Some groups prvide their facebook e-mail address in their group info.Otherwise we have to find the username of the group.We can easily get the username of facebook groups by opening them into our browser.This process can consume a little bit time,but you have to do this only once.

At first, you need to have a list of Username of all Facebook Groups where you want to share your post.
Step1: Initially Open any facebook Group on your browser.

Step2: After opening the group you can see the group URL on your browser's address bar.Now copy the username of that group from that URL.
For example:

Step3:Now Copy geeksgyan (which is red)of the group and paste them into notepad or in any text document.

Step 4: Once you have made a list of Username, you have to create Email Address of those groups from their username. 
To do this Just add after Group username.
For example:
where "geeksgyan" is the facebook group username.

step 5:Now collect emails of all Groups in which you want to Autopost.After this seperate the list of Email Address of Fb Groups  with commas (,).

Second Part of the Trick:Main Trick

Step1: Sign in to your e-mail address which you have used to create account on facebook or which is currently set as Primary Email in your FB Account.
Step2: Now click on compose e-mail option.
After that copy all facebook group e-mails which you have collected and paste them into BCC field.
step3:Finally enter your post/Message which you want to post into those Groups and then click on Send button.

That’s it.Now you can check all facebook groups, to ensure that your message is successfully posted in all groups.
Follow all above steps to post again in all groups.

Final words:

So by this way you can post in all Facebook groups at once without wasting your time.So with this trick you will save your lots of time and it will also help you to get decent traffic from facebook.I hope that you like above post.

If you face any problem please share it with us below in comments, we will try to solve this.

Sunday 6 March 2016

20 Most Inspiring Startup Quotes On entrepreneurship

Hello guys, today i am writing this article which might be no longer involving my niche,however this article will inspire you to become a great successful entrepreneur if you are a starter.
20 Most Inspiring Startup Quotes On entrepreneurship
20 Most Inspiring Startup Quotes On entrepreneurship

List Of 20 Most Inspiring Quotes On entrepreneurship

1.)If we were motivated by money, we would have sold the company a long time ago and ended up on a beach.
---Larry Page, Co founder of Google Inc.

2.)I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.
--- Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO Amazon

3.)The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
-- Mark Zuckerberg ,founder and CEO of Facebook

4.)It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
--Bill Gates , Co-Founder, ex-CEO of Microsoft.

5.)Success is competing with your conscience- no need to prove it to anyone.
--Muki Regunathan(He failed 7 times), Founder and CEO of pepper square.

6.)Entrepreneur is someone who has a vision for something and a want to create.
--David Karp, founder and CEO of Tumblr

7.)The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be. 
--Reid Hoffman, co-founder Li2nkedIn 

8.)We are really competing against ourselves, we have no control over how other people perform.
– Pete Cashmore, founder and CEO Mashable

9.) Ideas are commodity. Execution of them is not.
 – Michael Dell, Dell chairman and CEO

10.)Quitting was not an option i decided to hustle and succeed
--Jitendra vaswani, Indian Entrepreneur,Founder of

11.)In Silicon Valley, part of the reason why so many people start companies is because even if you fail, it is a badge of honour.
-- Sundar Pichai , Chief Executive Officer of Google Inc.

12.)Criticism is the best sign you're onto something. 
--Micheal Lopp, Blogger

13.)Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. 
--Caterina Fake, Co-Founder of Flickr

14.)Be a user of your own product. Make it better based on your own desires. But don't trick yourself into thinking you are the user.
-Evan Williams, Co-Founder of Twitter

15.)The very first company I started failed with a great bang. The second one failed a little bit less, but still failed. The third one, you know, proper failed, but it was kind of okay. I recovered quickly. Number four almost didn’t fail. It still didn’t really feel great, but it did okay. Number five was PayPal.
-- Max Levchin-Founder of Paypal

16.)Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.
-- Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos

17.)Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.
Guy Kawasaki, Alltop Co-Founder and Entrepreneur

18.)Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.
 –Drew Houston, Dropbox founder and CEO
19.)I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance. 
-- Steve Jobs, Co-founder & CEO of Apple

20.) Think big, think fast, think ahead.Ideas are no one’s monopoly 
Dhirubhai Ambani ,Founder Of reliance Group.


So Guys This was the List Of 20 Most Inspiring Quotes On entrepreneurship. I hope today's inspiration will motivate you to achieve something big in life and to become a successful Entrepreneur.
Hope You Liked It.DOn't Forget To Share


Tuesday 1 March 2016

5 Effective Ways To Get Huge Traffic With Stumbleupon

Hello Friends,Today Blogging has turned into a full time business that you can choose as a carrier to earn money.
After creating a blog,the main problem come in blogger's mind is "how to Get huge traffic".So Today in this post I will share some Effective ways to increase Traffic with stumbleupon.
Guys If you want to get a huge amount of traffic, then one of the greatest sources is
5 Effective Ways To Get Huge Traffic With Stumbleupon
5 Effective Ways To Get Huge Traffic With Stumbleupon

So After moving to the topic we must know About stumbleupon?

Stumbleupon is a website which allows you to surf any random sites added by stumblers/users  based on your interests.It has about 12 million users.
 In other words,stumbleupon is a web discovery Engine which finds best Content/articles based on your interests.

As you know that web has grown enormously in recent Couple of years.
There are number of websites in the web with so many interesting topics and information which is practically impossible for anyone to know. So, StumbleUpon provides you such random websites and interesting articles. 

Things to Know Before Getting started with stumble upon.

  • Set up your Profile picture on Stumbleupon.Don't Get started without a proper profile picture.
  • Make sure that use only one StumbleUpon account. Creating multiple accounts on stumbleupon is against it's Terms of Service.
  • Make sure You spend some time on stumble upon.
  • At last,Don't forget to add a StumbleUpon badge or button to your blog/website articles.Adding a badge increase more chance to get your post viral on Stumbleupon.


Top 10 Secrets To Improve And Boost Your Alexa Rank Within 10 Days

Below are The some of the effective ways to Get traffic with stumbleupon.

1.) Add a StumbleUpon Badge to your blog/website

Stumbleupon upon has a share plugin which allows users to add your content to Stumbleupon.With this SU badge,Users can add your website to stumbleupon.

If you want to increase chances of your content to get viral on SU, the best way is to add a StumbleUpon badge to your website/blog articles. You can easily grab the coding of badge for your blog/website from here. You can easily integrate it with Blogger,wordpress, TypePad,etc.
Make sure to make easier for the people to stumble your content,this will increase your chances to get your content stumbled.

2)Become a Stumbler.

You won’t be capable of using stumbleupon efficiently unless  you become a stumbler. If this word is new to you, to “stumble” it simply means to find out internet pages with the aid of clicking the stumbleupon button displayed on bottom bar in Stumble upon App.The more you stumble and vote other's articles,better results you will see on your articles.

Stumbleupon will supply articles,photographs,etc based on your interest you have chosen while signing up your account. You’ll then get to vote on whether or not you want the ones hints or now not.
Spend Times to Stumbleupon to get increase your chances to get quality traffic to Stumbleupon

As you will be using stumbleupon to promote your personal blog articles in hopes of getting traffic, you must stumble and vote other's pages which is  similar to your content material.

 This gives your content a chance to emerge as a part of a chain response, in which many stumblers will share it with other top rated stumblers.

3.) Submit Content to stumbleupon Strategically.

After you have joined stumbleupon, don’t just begin submitting all of your content and not anything else.

Don't Be A spammer:
In 50:50 proportionality,You must also submit Others content material from any other resources than your own to avoid being you like a self-promotional spammer.

The main point of stumbleupon is to accumulate content in its series that adds value to the network. This will keep you in precise standing in line with their terms of service and it will add credibility to you within the network.

This may be very useful in building relationships with the community to share your own content material.

4.)Create Interesting Content/webpages

The most important thing to stumbleupon fulfillment is having a Great content with very clear webpage.You must always Create Content that StumbleUpon Users Like,So  if you don’t grab their attention in  just a second, they will be on the next one.

Below are the topics which you can create to attract visitors to Stumbleupon.

Lists – Many people love lists So create a content that contains a list of Any.
For example:
  1. List of usefull website to visit daily
  2. List of killer websites that every programmers must visit
  3. List of important websites that Everyone must know.
  4. List of bloggers from India 
  5. Best list of apps that everybody must download

Tutorials:Create tutorials of any Interesting Topics,How-to's,etc.

Movies – unique, informational stimulating videos from youtube or any other video networks.

Infographics – stumbleupon is one of the special networks which loves infographics.

For me, It was "Track Any Mobile Number With Exact Location,Operator And Owner's Name". This article got 9K+ stumbles in just 3 Days and it's still counting.

5)Try Stumbleupon's paid discovery

Stumbleupon has several advertising plans available in StumbleUpon’s Paid Discovery.Sometimes you are not satisfied Or maybe you certainly don’t have the time to watch for natural discovery.

Basically, you pay to get your links featured to stumbleupon individuals. The higher the engagement you need along with your target audience, the more price you need pay to Stumbleupon.

The satisfactory thing comes with paid discovery is that it sends visitors directly in your website, whereas with social networks like facebook advertising, you buy a small advert and wish that people will see it.
If your webpage doesn't violate any terms and conditions of Stumbleupon then you can pick any of three plans provided by them.


Stumbleupon is a great social tool for Bloggers/Developers for driving huge quality traffic to Blog/website.The main thing is that you need to spend more time with Stumbleupon by stumbling,liking others Contents,Following people's,Etc.It is not a one day process you need to have patience to achieve much success in Stumbleupon.

So If you really liked this Article then feel free to express your views about this article .


Saturday 27 February 2016

Easy Steps To Activate wikipedia service by whatsapp Bot

Hello Friends,
GeeksGyan is back with another Trick to get Free Wikipedia alerts through WhatsApp bot for free. Whatsapp has about 900 million users has become the most easyway to communicate in a cheap, fast and reliable way.
So today in this post, I will tell about how to activate wikipedia service by WhatsApp bot . WhatsApp,which is one the most popular messaging app.So with this feature you can easily get any information such as news,dictionary, without google search.
If you are looking for latest free recharge, then I strongly suggest you to follow this blog where the author shares some best free recharge tricks to get free recharge alerts .

Features of this bot:

  1. Absolutely free,No charge for this service
  2. Fast reply,usually in seconds
  3. Quick service
  4. No Risk

About WhatsApp Bot:

This whatsapp Bot is not related to official WhatsApp or wikipedia. The aim behind launching this free service is to provide important knowledge for free.

 Steps to Access Wikipedia via Whatsapp.

Follow these below steps to activate wiki service on whatsapp:

  1.  First Save this phone number  +16044491532 in your phone contact as Wikipedia.
  2. Now Create a Group with any Groupname and add this contact(wikipedia) only. You are already another contact by default: so wikipedia and you (only 2 members) become the members.
  3. Now post anything in that group with starting WIKI word as prefix with a space. "wiki<space>".
  4. Eg: if you want Information about "Google" 
  5. Then type: wiki Google
  6. (WIKI {SPACE} Google)
  7. Now Wikipedia will reply you automatically in the group in just seconds.

See proof :


Tuesday 23 February 2016

Record Android Screen Without Rooting Your Device

Before moving to the topic let us discuss that why do we need Screen recording App and why is it so useful? It's very useful and it depends on user requirements. Many Youtubers record screens for video tutorials Like fixing some errors,bugs in android smart phones,etc or Some record for fun.So Today in this Article I will introduce you about an app called A-Z screen recorder by which you can record your Android screen without Rooting your device.
Record Android Sreen Without Rooting Your Device
Record Android Screen Without Rooting Your Device

As we all know that screen recording works in rooted smartphones,So with this application you can easily record your screen without rooting.The main feature of this application is that it doesn't requires root permission to record the screen.If you are having a YouTube channel then it is best for you.By using this amazing Application you can record your android screen for reviewing any android game and many other tricks.You can Record your screen with high resolution and many more with showing touches.

Steps To Record Your Android Screen :-

  1. First Download and install A-Z screen recorder from Play Store.
  2. Now Open the application and then click on setting icon
  3. Now Adjust the resolution and all other field as per your requirement and also check/uncheck watermark.
  4. After doing all the settings press the record button and start  recording your Android screen in count of 3
  5. Stop it After Your recording is over.

This application works only in Android devices With Lolipop 5.0 and Above.It will not work in KitKat and below android devices.

Functions Of A-Z screen Recorder:

  1. AZ Screen Recorder does Not require Root access
  2. No time limit
  3. No watermarks you can adjust in settings
  4. Ads free 
  5. Very easy to use to start and stop recording.


As nowadays smartphones have became Essential part of our daily life and they are having lots of importance in our life. After Google’s android market, world have almost 70% Android smartphones Users.So By using The above method you can record your Android screen with the help of A-Z screen recorder without Rooting your Device.


Friday 19 February 2016

Top 10 Best and highest Paying Google Adsense Alternatives To Earn Money Online

Today,Blogging has Become a source of Earning Money Online.Blogging is now  turned into business that you can choose as a full-time carrier to earn money.Coming to the point that,After having a blog and Getting good traffic daily.The main thing come's in blogger's mind is monetization.But as we all know that Google Adsense is one of the best and highest paying advertising network and majority of Bloggers/Techie's are monetizing their website with  Google ads.But as you know that Getting approved by google AdSense is very difficult due to their strict policies.Many bloggers are still struggling to get approved by Adsense. Even if Google approve's your site,then also there are many chances that your blog/website can ban by google due to their strict guidelines and Policy.If you break any rule or guidelines by adsense,they will ban you.Remember,Once Ban,they will never unban you and You have to forget AdSense.

So Today in this post I am back with List of best and highest paying google AdSense alternatives. There are a lots of advertising network companies that give a Good amount of Revenue to their publisher.If you are the one who didn’t get his/her blog/website approved by Adsense or banned by Adsense, then you can surely try these below advertising networks.
Top 10 Best and highest Google Adsense Alternatives To Earn Money Online
Top 10 Best and highest Google Adsense Alternatives To Earn Money Online


Infolinks is Best AdSense alternative and leading Intext advertising network  mostly suitable for websites with high traffic. Infolinks converts certain keywords Of your website/blog  content into advertising links and if someone clicks on such ads,you are paid for each click made on those ads.
 Many bloggers are getting good income with this program. If you have a good amount of traffic, you can make money with this program for sure.They provide several types of advertisement units such as Inframe,Inscreen,Infold,Intext, Intag,etc.

Getting Blog approved by Info links is not a big deal.You can easily approve your blog by infolinks. Their Minimum payment threshold for Paypal and Bank transfer is $50 and 100$ for Western Union and wire transfer.Infolinks pays through various payment methods  like Paypal, Western Union, Wire transfer and Bank.

  1. Minimum Threshold :50$ For PayPal and 100$ for wire transfer
  2. payment methods :- Paypal, Western Union, Wire transfer and Bank.

2.Revenue hits

Revenue hits
Revenue hits

Revenue hits is also one of the best AdSense alternative's in blogosphere. 

Revenue Hits is one of the best AdSense competitors, which was founded by MyAdWise Limited, an Israeli-based, start-up company started in 2008 by professionals to help you make more money from your website traffic. Revenue hits is a performance based advertising company where the advertiser pays for his product/website, when a visitor visits for each specified action such as buying their product,etc .They pay on via Wire,Paypal and Payonner. Their minimum payout threshold is just $20.

Benefits of Revenue hits :

  1. Signing up new account is easy and free.
  2. You can choose any payment method. There are various methods of payment through PayPal, Payoneer, Wire transfer
  3. Easy and quick tags set up is other advantage of using Revenue Hits.
  4. Revenue Hits activates your account instantly upon signing up while AdSense takes about 2-3weeks to activate.

The best part about RevenueHits is that they provide open customer services for publishers and advertisers, where any webmaster can come and participate.
  1. Minimum payout :30$
  2. Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer, Wire transfer

3.Media.Net-Yahoo Ad Network

Media.Net-Yahoo Ad Network Yahoo ad network,A contextual Ad network was developed by collaboration of yahoo and bing.It is similar As AdSense and shows ads as per the content.It is one of the biggest marketplace for advertisers to increase exposure of  their online brand so you can easily make money by posting ads on your sites can give you a Decent income.
If your blog/website gets good amount of traffic from USA, UK,Canada, and some European countries then you must definitely apply for to earn good amount of money per month.
The best part about is that they Give dedicated account managers and it's highly customizable(change the size, color and Banner type- Text or image). has a $100 minimum payout threshold.So After reaching minimum threshold, you can select any payment method Either PayPal or Wire transfer.
 It Provides customized ad units which Fits best with site. It also shows mobile friendly ads on mobile phone users.Currently, is not opened for public sign up. But you can still request for an invitation.

  1. Payment method: Paypal or wire transfer
  2. Minimum threshold: 100$



Bidvertiser is one of the great AdSense alternative That offers pay per click advertising. It is very easy to get approved by Bidvertiser, unless your website category is adult,drugs.It has a bidding system that allows highest bidder to advertise on your website/blog.

Bidvertiser offers a toolbar in which you can create with your own logo. When users search through your website using the toolbar, they will be shown sponsored ads in the result section.Bidvertiser  offers ad types such as Text ads, Banner ads,slider ads,mobile ads,etc. They support 4 types of ad formats: Banners, Rectangles and Mobile.Bidvertiser also offers a very smart referral program.

Bidvertiser provides banner ads,text ads, Mobile Ads, etc.Also there are no traffic requirements, high traffic website will earn more money, especially if traffic is from countries like USA,Canada or UK.You can also earn money by promoting customized toolbar. It's Minimum payment threshold is $10 for PayPal/Payza and $50 for check. You can also promote your customized toolbar and make money. Minimum payment threshold amount is $10 for PayPal/Payza and $50 for cheque.
  1. Minimum Payment threshold: 10$
  2. Payment Method:Paypal/payza




Adversal is also one of the best Adsense alternative's. It is one of the ad program  that asks for minimum of 50,000 page views per month on the blog. It is proved to be a Great Adsense alternative for many Bloggers. They provide Pop up and banner advertisments also and they provide very high CPM rates for Canada and Usa. Before submitting your application make sure that your website/blog get's at-least 50k page-views per month.They will generally approve your blog within 4-5 Days.
 Minimum payout is 20$ and payment Methods used are PayPal, ACH, wire. It Offers an affiliate program too.

  1. Minimum Payment threshold: 20$
  2. Payment Method:Paypal,ACH,wire transfer



Chitika is another useful Google Adsense Alternatives similar to infolinks .Their ads looks similar to Google Adsense . In chitika you have full control on your ads and can use Chitika you have full control to use any other ad network like Google Adsense,Infolinks,etc.Just create an account on chitika and put ads on your site and Earn money.

It offers 3 types of ads such as Local ads,Search Targeted Ads, and Mobile Ads. However many publishers claim that the rates aren’t as good as Adsense.There are various options to edit your ad color,text ,etc  that enables you to fit chitika ads well with your blog's article.

Minimum Payout: $10 via Paypal and $50 through Cheque.



Kontera is one of the best Google Adsense Alternatives, that you can use for making money online.Similar to Infolinks, they  also offers an Inline text advertising  and show advertisements based on important relevant keywords related to your Article. It also offers various image and video ads. They pay as per click on their ads on your blog. Their Minimum payment threshold is $50 and  payment modes are Paypal, Check and Wire at every 30 days.

  1. Minimum payment threshold :50$
  2. Payment methods: Paypal, Check and Wire



Just like RevenueHits, Qadabra is also a  advertising network company that offers performance-based advertising.It is also one of the best alternatives to Adsense in the market. Qadabra offers several rich media ads which is something like Adsense cannot give.The main thing is that You don’t need to reach to a payment threshold.If you earn 1$,You can request your payment.

Sign up with  Qadabra and paste the ad tag on your site at appropriate location and now Qadabra starts optimizing your site to display the best ads.
It offers banners including slider ads. You Don't  need much content to get approved by Qadabra.

Minimum Payout:
  1. $1 via Paypal
  2. $20 via Pioneer
  3. $500 via Wire Transfer

9. Vibrant Media

Vibrant media
Vibrant media

Vibrant media is a advertising network company that focuses with highly targeted publishers.It is one of the best AdSense alternatives.But Getting vibrant media advertising is Tough due to their requirements.They have number of premium advertisers and they pay very  high CPC rates to their publishers.If you want qualify their program, your blog/website must receive a minimum traffic of 500,000 unique visits per month.The main thing is that your traffic should be mainly from U.K,United States and Canada .Their minimum payment threshold is $50.You can redeem your earning's Via cheque.
The offer various Contextual ad types such as  corner Ad, margin Ad,Pop-under ads, inImage ads inVideo ads and many.



Adsterra is a best adsense alternative for the websites that gets about 50K impressions per month. They accept website with all types of niches and have a great ad fill rate for all countries.Adsterra provides weekly  payment systems.
They offer various ad formats for  mobile devices as well as web: pushups, interstitial, sliders,popunders, standard banners,etc


So These were the best Google Adsense Alternatives which I have recommended in the above article.But there are many such ads networking companies available in the market.Monetization is an important tool for bloggers because without it you cannot earn anything.I wish that you have understand that AdSense is not the end, there are also many AdSense alternatives by which you can make decent amount of  money online and may be more than AdSense.
Hope that you liked the post.Share it with your Friends because sharing is caring.

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